Common Health Problems in Kids and How to Handle Them

Common Health Problems in Kids and How to Handle Them

Being a parent isn’t easy; the constant fear of a child's health is always looming around. It’s pretty normal to be worried about your kid's health and well-being, especially if your kids are very young. Kids often face health complications that can be both confusing and concerning for parents. That’s where a general pediatric doctor in Delhi like Dr. Promilla Butani comes in, offering expert guidance and care. Child specialists ensure that your child’s health remains in great shape.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most common health problems children face, along with a few practical tips on how parents handle them.

Common Colds and Respiratory Infections

One of the most frequent health issues in children is the common cold. Kids are particularly prone to respiratory infections, especially during colder months. Symptoms include a runny nose, coughing, and a mild fever.

  1. How To Manage It:

  • Proper Hydration: Keep your kids properly hydrated, and make them drink plenty of water, clear soups, and herbal teas.

  • Adequate Rest: As a parent, it’s your responsibility that your child gets plenty of rest to help their body recover.

  • Consult a Pediatrician: If symptoms continue for more than a week or worsen, it’s best to consult a general pediatric doctor, who can guide you on the right course of treatment.


Teething is a normal part of a child’s growth. However, it can cause some discomfort, irritability, and sometimes even mild fever.

  1. How to Manage It:

  • Teething Toys: Giving your child teething toys can help soothe sore gums.

  • Massage Their Gums: Gently massaging their gums with a clean finger can also provide relief

  • Pain Relief: If your baby seems very uncomfortable, ask your pediatric doctor about suitable pain relief medication.

Diarrhea and Stomach Issues

Children and stomach problems go hand in hand. Since they don’t always eat properly, they are likely to suffer from diarrhea, constipation, or vomiting. These can also happen due to viral infections, food intolerance, or even stress.

  1. How to Manage It:

  • Hydration is Key: Again, hydration is important. Diarrhea can cause dehydration rapidly, so the child should drink enough water and ORS.

  • Watch Their Diet: A stomach-friendly diet is essential. Give a Bland diet, like bananas, rice, and toast, so that their stomach calms down.

  • Consult a Specialist: If the stomach problems last longer than 48 hours or the child hurts worse, seek consultation. Find a good one from the finest top pediatrician in Delhi for further assessment.

Common Allergies

Allergic reactions in children are more common than you think. These allergies can range from mild symptoms like sneezing to more serious ones like difficulty breathing. Common allergens also include pollen, mold, dust mites, and animal fur or pet dander.

  1. How to Manage It:
  • Avoid Allergy Triggers: You have to identify and avoid the allergens causing the reaction. Keep everything clean and limit outdoor activities.

  • Medications: Over-the-counter antihistamines can help manage mild symptoms. However, always consult your child’s pediatrician before giving any medication to your child.

  • EpiPen for Severe Reactions: If your child has a known severe allergy, make sure to carry an EpiPen. It can be a life-saving tool for your child in case of emergencies.


Fever is another common problem that can leave parents anxious. Whether it’s a result of an infection or a response to a vaccine, fever is the body’s natural way of fighting off illness.

  1. How to Manage It:
  • Monitor Temperature: Keep track of your child’s temperature using a thermometer.

  • Medications: You can try fever-reducing medications like paracetamol only after consulting with your doctor’s guidance.

  • Get Medical Advice: If the fever lasts for more than three days or experience severe symptoms, see a top pediatrician doctor for quick treatment.

Being a parent is no joke. One needs to keep updated on common health problems in kids and learn how to handle them well. The situation can be anything, and you have to be ready for any kind of emergency. It depends upon the situation as to when parents should take matters into their own hands and when to seek a professional.

Dr. Promilla Butani, a top pediatrician among the top 10 child specialists in Delhi, has 51 years of experience hlping parents manage these common issues. Whether you need guidance on vaccinations, growth concerns, or general pediatric care, Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice provides a comfortable and easy approach to children’s health.

Be attentive and go for expert care to tackle whatever comes your child’s way!

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